Sunday, April 17, 2011

My love story =_=

Posted by Mimie at 9:59 PM
Assalamualaikum..hello dan hai. Actually tengah study ni. Tapi tetiba rasa nak update blog. heheee. So, on kejap ler. Ok, siang tadi saya ada chatting bersama seorang teman di YM. Borak punya borak.. tup..tup.. terkeluar isu couple. hehe. Boleh pulak dia cakap "ohh pernah couple rupanya budak ni.." hamboiii ingat saya ni nerd sangat ke? hehe.. gurau je.

Hmm memang cara saya berbicara mengenai bab-bab percintaan ni, macam saya tak pernah couple. Tapi sebenarnya pernah.. hehe. Tapi.. saya rasa macam tak pernah. Sebab saya tak pernah rasa kemanisan bercinta tu cmane. Ye lah.. time tu pun budak-budak. Mana la nak pandai berfikir dengan matang. Asyik nangis je.. haha. Nak keluar dating pun, takde duit. kahkahkah. Sebab tu la couple monyet aje. Tu pun tahan 3 bulan la paling lama.hehe.. Entahla. saya rasa takde apa yang seronok bercinta time tu. So, better to break earlier. =) It was not what I want. So I thought to get grow as a big girl first. Then when the time comes, I will found what I want. Are you follow? hehe.

Love needs for a trustworthy, sacrifices, honest, love to each other and acceptance in the way the other half is. The best part is when me and my other half could share the life story, the sadness and happiness. How sweet. Yes, he will be as my bestfriend.

So, I do not see anyone for now. Yet I am not rush. hehe. Its not the time. I will keep praying for the beautiful life. InsyaALLAH, I will found a good one for me who will truly love me, take care of me and guide me. Soon. when I have a quality of life. And for you, my friend, I am praying for you either. =)

Oh. need to get back to the notes. to0dless!!!

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Sunday, April 17, 2011

My love story =_=

Assalamualaikum..hello dan hai. Actually tengah study ni. Tapi tetiba rasa nak update blog. heheee. So, on kejap ler. Ok, siang tadi saya ada chatting bersama seorang teman di YM. Borak punya borak.. tup..tup.. terkeluar isu couple. hehe. Boleh pulak dia cakap "ohh pernah couple rupanya budak ni.." hamboiii ingat saya ni nerd sangat ke? hehe.. gurau je.

Hmm memang cara saya berbicara mengenai bab-bab percintaan ni, macam saya tak pernah couple. Tapi sebenarnya pernah.. hehe. Tapi.. saya rasa macam tak pernah. Sebab saya tak pernah rasa kemanisan bercinta tu cmane. Ye lah.. time tu pun budak-budak. Mana la nak pandai berfikir dengan matang. Asyik nangis je.. haha. Nak keluar dating pun, takde duit. kahkahkah. Sebab tu la couple monyet aje. Tu pun tahan 3 bulan la paling lama.hehe.. Entahla. saya rasa takde apa yang seronok bercinta time tu. So, better to break earlier. =) It was not what I want. So I thought to get grow as a big girl first. Then when the time comes, I will found what I want. Are you follow? hehe.

Love needs for a trustworthy, sacrifices, honest, love to each other and acceptance in the way the other half is. The best part is when me and my other half could share the life story, the sadness and happiness. How sweet. Yes, he will be as my bestfriend.

So, I do not see anyone for now. Yet I am not rush. hehe. Its not the time. I will keep praying for the beautiful life. InsyaALLAH, I will found a good one for me who will truly love me, take care of me and guide me. Soon. when I have a quality of life. And for you, my friend, I am praying for you either. =)

Oh. need to get back to the notes. to0dless!!!



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